- Doom The flash version of doom
- Five Finger Fillet The famous game 5 finger fillet
- Flash Trek Broken Mirror The game flash trek broken mirror
- Hexxagon Hexxagon the game
- James Bomb JB james bomb an game like bomberman
- Make your own cyber babe,18 cyber babe maker
- Matrix Bullet Time Matrix Bullet Time matrix in flash
- Millenium fighter Fly with an stealth fighter and shoot the us gov
- Runescape
- Saved by your balls,18 Saved by your balls
- Snake
- Snowboarder xs
- Southpark Create Create your own southpark dude
- Spank the Monkey spank the monkey and check whats your speed
- Table Tennis like the names say : table tennis
- Tanks
- The Professionals An sniper game
- The skullkid
- Tic Tac Toe Tic Tac Toe in dutch : boter kaas en eieren :P
- Try An Ecky From the new msn game Ecky here you can try an free ecky
- Uss enterprise one
- Uss enterprise two
- Vic
- Wargames
- Windows rg funny version of windows